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Delight at going the distance at Warwick University!

Pipe Boxing

Delight at going the distance at Warwick University!

Encasement makes a point of always trying to ‘go the extra mile’ for customers. In the case of the University of Warwick, it was 1,500 metres of pipe boxing supplied over an 8 week period.

More than 600 lengths of 2500m Versa 5 pipe boxing was required by the university to conceal low-level heating pipes in new halls of residence which accommodate more than 500 students, within its Bluebell View Coventry campus.

The pipe boxing solution from Encasement was part of an overall project which involved the construction of 500 bedrooms, over 4 blocks for students with high-quality en-suite shower rooms.

Encasement Managing Director Martin Taylor commented: “Our Versa 5 pipe boxing provides a quick and easy solution for concealing pipework.”

“We were delighted to contribute to this project and it shows that often we quite literally do go the extra mile for our customers.”