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A big cover up in Clapham by Encasement

Metal pipe boxing

A big cover up in Clapham by Encasement

More than 2,000 metres of Arma metal pipe casing from Encasement has been used to cover external hot water pipework following the installation of a new central boiler house and distributed heating system at the London Borough of Lambeth’s Notre Dame Estate in Clapham.

Manufactured from 3mm thick aluminium, Arma casing conceals and protects the external lagged heating pipework, which provides hot water to the hundreds of flats and apartments on the estate, from accidental damage, vandalism and severe weather conditions.

Working closely with the local authority and sub-contractor, Encasement helped develop a versatile system specifically for the needs of the project, which enables the Arma casing to be readily adapted to accommodate the changing pipework locations and layouts necessary on each building.

Measuring 850mm wide by 265mm deep and supplied in 2,000mm lengths to simplify handling and installation, Arma has been used in two separate phases of the project, with the first one finished in beige RAL 1001 and the second phase coated with RAL 6005 green to blend in with existing colour schemes.

An integral element of the Arma design for this project was the incorporation of a sloping top along the length of each horizontal run, which discourages birds from using the casing as a perching or nesting site.

In addition, the Arma casings also include removable sections, which cover a series of isolation valve boxes that control the water feed to each flat, allowing easy access for routing inspection, servicing and maintenance.

Encasement’s MD Martin Taylor, explained, “This was an exciting project that presented some specific design and installation challenges that were successfully overcome during the development period, which enabled a highly effective an versatile solution to be produced for the Notre Dame Estate buildings.”

You can see more images from the Notre Dame Estate Arma installation in our pipe boxing gallery. You can view our Arma metal casings range in more detail or alternatively explore our full range of pipe boxing and protection products.